Education & Training
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Worthy is the lamb that was slain to receive power
and riches and WISDOM and strength and honor
and glory and blessing.
Revelations 5:12
Wisdom is that heavenly attribute associated with the face of God as teacher. He wants to provide wisdom for us, but then when we connect the dots He has laid out, we will then bless Him in return for the wisdom we’ve grown into. This is the wisdom we were meant to grow into, through our educational experiences. Wisdom is the understanding of when and how to apply facts, truth, and experiences. For us to become wise, we must encounter the wonder and awe of all God has made and set into motion, within a safe environment that allows us the freedom to discover, for ourselves, that all of it points back to Him. God Himself, as Teacher, convinces us that we are far more important than what He is teaching us and, because we are important, He has important things to teach us. The Lie currently being perpetuated about God in our current Education System is: True wisdom is self-dependence.
What we propose
- Lobby against the roll-out of Comprehensive Sexuality Education which promotes Gender Fluidity
- Lobby for Biblical/ Religious studies to be introduced back into our schools.We need to reintroduce prayer in our schools and restore the Prayer Altar
- We need to lobby for the inclusion of the Biblical Creation Story and not to only have the Evolution Theory or Darwinism in the Grade 11 & 12 text books
- Lobby for relevant educational topics to be introduced, such as bringing home economics back into our schools, Food production, Entrepreneurship among others etc.
- Review of Corporal Punishment law and propose alternative methods of effective discipline in our schools
- Despite the government and the AIDS Council making condoms and contraceptives freely available, there is still an extremely high rate of teenage pregnancies in our schools and HIV is increasing amongst young learners. Abstinence needs to be encouraged in a big way
- Partnering with and restoring or strengthening Student Christian Organisations and movements in our schools, Colleges and Universities.
- Partnering with School Governing Bodies and other relevant stakeholders within the school
- To facilitate the systematic partnerships between affluent schools and other less fortunate schools where knowledge transfer can take place
- Roll-out of the Adopt-A-School Transformation Programme – Encourage a church to “adopt” a school in their suburb and to have one-hour afternoon bible studies at the school as an extramural activity
- An alternative Values-based Sex Education curriculum in place of the Comprehensive Sexuality Education